Adrian Smith welcomed as a subject editor at Journal of the Bulgarian Geographical Society

Adrian Smith has joined the editorial team of the Journal of the Bulgarian Geographical Society (JBGS). Based at the the University of Sussex Business School, Adrian specializes in economic geography, technology and work transformation, digital technologies and employment change, and global value chains and regional development. His current research focuses on the role of technological transformation and the political economy of agrarian change in agri-food value chains. He is a member of the ESRC Centre for Digital Futures at Work and is leading research in that context on the locational, regional development and environmental consequences of the transformation to digital forms of work. He is also Editor-in-Chief of European Urban and Regional Studies.
"I am delighted to join the editorial team at the Journal of the Bulgarian Geographic Society. This journal publishes great work on economic geography and regional development, and I am happy to contribute to its further development”.
Find out more about Adrian and his work by visiting https://profiles.