
Collection type
by Subject
  • Geographic Education
  • Geographic Technics
  • Human Geography
  • Interdisciplinary Studies
  • Physical Geography


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Permanent collection
Regional geographic research
Edited by Emilia Patarchanova et al.
The modern world is faced with problems and challenges of different nature and scale of manifestation - natural and ecological, demographic, and public, global, regional, or local. Climate and environmental change, social crises and geopolitical conflicts, social and economic inequalities, resource  ...
Papers published: 3   |  Total pages: 54
Closed for submission
Advances in geosciences for smart transformation
Edited by Kliment Naydenov et al.

Journal of the Bulgarian Geographical Society presents a topical collection of articles based on the conference "Advances in Geosciences for Smart Transformation" which is dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Faculty of Geology and Geography, Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" in 2023. As w ...

Papers published: 5   |  Total pages: 78
Permanent collection
Biodiversity and ecosystem services in South-East Europe: Research challenges and application issues towards a community of practice
Edited by Mariyana Nikolova, Rositsa Yaneva

South-East Europe (SEE) has the greatest richness of flora and fauna in Europe and an exceptional number of endemic and relict species. However, biodiversity in SEE is under pressure by a range of environmental threats. SEE countries also share similar problems regarding economy, society and nature. ...

Papers published: 4   |  Total pages: 48
Permanent collection
Regional water security issues
Edited by Chad Staddon

Climate crisis, societal change and geopolitics are increasingly combining to make achieving water security ever more challenging. Conversely, sustainable and secure water systems are increasingly recognised as core to achieving sustainable outcomes in other domains such as food production, urbanisa ...

Papers published: 7   |  Total pages: 80

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